A new product in ANIRO’s offer: Sinexcel SVG3 – a reactive power compensator for smaller installations.

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the latest model of active reactive power compensator – the Sinexcel SVG3 – to our product range. This modern device is designed for efficient reactive power compensation where reactive power does not exceed 3 kVar. The SVG3 is an excellent solution for customers who need advanced power quality improvement technology in a compact form.

Expanding the offer – smaller installations, greater possibilities.

Do tej pory w naszej ofercie dostępne były aktywne kompensatory mocy biernej o wyższych mocach, takie jak ASVG10 (10 kVar), ASVG15 (15 kVar), ASVG30 (30 kVar), ASVG50 (50 kVar), ASVG75 (75 kVar) oraz ASVG100 (100 kVar) oraz rozwiązania szafowe do mocy 800kVar. Wprowadzenie modelu SVG3 wypełnia lukę na rynku, umożliwiając skuteczną kompensację mocy biernej także w instalacjach o mniejszych obciążeniach.

Sinexcel SVG3 jest idealnym rozwiązaniem do zastosowania w instalacjach przemysłowych i komercyjnych o mniejszych rozmiarach, gdzie moc bierna nie przekracza 3 kVar. Dzięki temu użytkownicy mogą korzystać z technologii, która dotychczas była zarezerwowana dla większych systemów, co znacząco poprawia efektywność energetyczną i stabilność sieci.

Key advantages of the Sinexcel SVG3:

Effective reactive power compensation: The device provides compensation for both inductive and capacitive reactive power, leading to an improvement in the power factor and optimization of power supply parameters.
Fast response to load changes: With advanced control algorithms, the SVG3 immediately reacts to dynamic changes in reactive power, ensuring stability and reliability.
Three-phase load balancing: The Sinexcel SVG3 balances the loads in a three-phase network, eliminating issues related to load imbalance.
– Compact design and wall-mounted installation: The device is designed for convenient wall mounting, allowing for optimal space utilization in smaller facilities.
– Intuitive operation and remote management: The configuration and monitoring of the SVG3 are done through the built-in WebServer, accessible via a WiFi Access Point, providing easy operation without the need for additional wiring.
– Built-in current transformers: No need to install external transformers.

Sinexcel SVG3 – the ideal solution for smaller installations.

With the introduction of the SVG3, ANIRO expands the capabilities of energy quality management systems to smaller electrical installations. This allows customers, who previously could not take advantage of advanced reactive power compensation technologies, to access effective tools for improving power supply parameters, leading to energy cost savings and increased energy efficiency. We invite you to contact our experts, who will assist in selecting the right solution and provide detailed information about the new offer.

ANIRO – innovative solutions for every installation!


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