Pipe insulation line

Conversion of control based on the S5 controller to S7-300 and replacement of the old visualization system with a new one. The technological line carries out the pipe shot blasting process.
kwadrat Pipe intake,
kwadrat heating,
kwadrat shot blasting,
kwadrat cleaning and transferring the pipes for further processing,
Scop of work:
kwadrat project,
kwadrat software,
kwadrat Initiation,

Applied PLC controllers, terminals, communication, visualization systems:

kwadrat S7-300 PN/DP controller,
kwadrat distributed input/output structure on the site – 4 Interbus stations,
kwadrat TP277 graphical terminal,
kwadrat 1 workstation with the ZenOn production process visualization system.

Summary of controlled and measurement devices, control systems:

kwadrat 380 binary signals,
kwadrat 18 analog signals,
kwadrat 15 motors with adjustable speed,
kwadrat 20 direct drive motors,


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