PPM300 Liquid Cooling System in Comsys Active Filters


A client, a leader in the metal industry, faced the challenge of ensuring proper power quality for their production processes while efficiently cooling PPM300 modules in Comsys active filters at their production facility. Traditional air cooling methods proved insufficient, necessitating the development of a liquid cooling system to ensure optimal operating conditions for the equipment in an industrial environment.


ANIRO provided a comprehensive solution that met the client’s expectations.

  1. Design and implementation of the liquid cooling system:
    • A closed-loop cooling system was developed using water mixed with glycol, ensuring efficient heat dissipation while protecting against corrosion.
    • Heat exchangers were used to minimize the risk of contamination and enhance the efficiency of the system.
  2. Implementation of PPM300 Modules:
    • Each PPM300 module generates a current of 150A, and a cabinet consisting of three modules reaches a total of 450A. Each PPM300 module dissipates around 3600 W of heat, which, when applied to the entire installation, results in significant energy outputs.
    • The modules were fully integrated into the liquid cooling system, ensuring their reliable operation in demanding industrial conditions.
  3. Adaptation of technology to environmental requirements:
    • The sealed control cabinets with an IP55 protection rating safeguard the installation from dust and other contaminants.
    • The installation was designed from scratch based on the client’s requirements, allowing it to be fully tailored to the specific needs of the production facility.

Benefits of implementation

By implementing an advanced liquid cooling system, the client achieved:

  • Increased energy efficiency: The stable operating conditions of the PPM300 modules contributed to the optimization of production processes.
  • Reduction of overheating risk: The new cooling system effectively dissipates excess heat, minimizing the risk of downtime in the operation of the filters.
  • Preparation for future climate challenges: In the face of a warming climate and increasing industrial restrictions, liquid cooling is becoming an increasingly desirable solution in the metallurgical sector.


The project is an example of how ANIRO’s innovative approach supports leading manufacturers in the metal industry. Thanks to our expertise in designing energy and cooling systems, we delivered a “custom-made” solution to the client that sets new standards in the industry.

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