Upgrade of the control system for the spring winding machine:

Scop of work:
Zastosowane sterowniki PLC, terminale, komunikacja, systemy wizualizacji:
1 sterownik centralny S7-315T-3 PN/DP,
S7-IM 174 module for controlling 4 axes with an extensive control function library.
distributed input/output structure on-site – 1 station on PROFINET in the operator panel,
Emerson AC drive with a communication card, controlled via PROFINET.
1 HMI graphic terminal,
remote access to the PLC controller and touch panel.
Summary of controlled and measurement devices, control systems:
96 binary signals
4 software-based speed and position controllers
2 absolute linear encoders
1 absolute encoder
1 incremental encoder
3 servo valves
6 solenoid valves