Wire harness twisting automation system

The system performs twisting and wrapping of wire bundles with estrafol
kwadrat Control of the wrapping device with a constant wrapping pitch
kwadrat Control of the drum and forks of the twisting machine with the assurance of a constant twisting pitch
kwadrat Operation of auxiliary devices: drum transport hoists, claw closing mechanism, and wire arrangement system,
kwadrat Product quantity counter

Scop of work:
kwadrat project,
kwadrat software,
kwadrat Initiation,

Applied PLC controllers,terminals,communication, visualization systems:
PLC controller integrated into the SERVO 9300 drive system by Lenze.
kwadrat Distributed input/output structure on the site – 2 stations on CANBUS.
kwadrat Lenze H310 text terminal.
kwadrat CANBUS communication,

List of controlled , meansurement,and monitoring devices:
150 binary signals and variables.
kwadrat 5 signals and analog variables
kwadrat 1 software PID controller.
kwadrat 3 variable speed motors – servo, DC.
kwadrat 4 direct drive motors.
kwadrat 6 control valves,
kwadrat Digital system for measuring the cable bundle speed.


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