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ISO 9001:2015


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is part of the ANIRO – ANIRO 4.0 strategy. This is an important area of the business of a conscious company that, sharing its knowledge and resources, contributes to the development of society. Many CSR activities are directed to the local community from many social groups, which makes it possible to achieve social goals that can not be achieved without business support.
CSR also means projects aimed at employees enabling them to improve their professional qualifications, provide private medical care and improve culture and safety at work.
ANIRO as a conscious company implements CSR projects.


We are involved in educational projects through close cooperation with the prof. Sylwester Kaliski Electrical and Electronic Schools Complex in Torun. Each year, a group of students takes apprenticeship under the guidance of ANIRO specialists. We are also happy to share our knowledge  during classes for students in our workshop, we enable to gain additional professional qualifications and we support school talents during the annual Young People’s Talent Festival μElektra, we retrofit school workrooms with devices in the field of industrial automation. We are present during important events for the school (open days, high school fairs, end of school year). For the best graduates of schools, job offers in ANIRO await.
Many ANIRO employees are graduates of ZSMEiE in Toruń.



Sports and physical activities are extremely important in the life of every human being, therefore ANIRO willingly supports sports, especially local Toruń teams. In the season 2018/2019 we sponsored the basketball team – Twarde Pierniki Polski Cukier Torun. In the 2017/2018 season, the team finished Energa Basket League in third place, and in 2018/2019 season won the Adam Wójcik Lotto Polish Super Cup and finished as the second team in the League.

As a Golden Sponsor, we also supported the 8th Athletic Masters Indoor World Championships- a big sport event that took place in Toruń in March 2019.
fanpage of the event

ANIRO employees not only support, but also do sports themselves, an example of which is our group of runners – ANIRO Run Team. The team takes part in running competitions at various distances throughout Poland, as well as abroad almost every week. Sports traditions however, were present in ANIRO much earlier as a bicycle and rollerskating group.
the ANIRO Run Team fanpage


Society and culture

We are eager to engage in local cultural and social initiatives enabling their implementation and free access to culture. We work with the Wilam Horzyca Theater in Toruń, we also sponsor selected performances at the Musical Theater. ANIRO does not forget about children, every year we are present at the festival on the occasion of Children’s Day – Michayland, which is an event with a long tradition.